
Well maybe not.  As the felling continues in the Victorian estate, the rhodos are blooming, innocently unaware of the chain saw hanging over them.  I'm guessing when they were first imported by some early plant collector, they were much enjoyed by the Ferrand Family and their friends promenading along the estate paths.  There was probably a team of gardeners keeping them in check.  However, in recent years they have been allowed to spread unchecked and now they harbour the virus which is killing the trees.  The flowers are very beautiful but for a very short time so I won't be sorry to see them go if it means the wildflowers will regenerate.  Their removal has certainly opened up areas of the woodland and let in welcome light.

I passed this rhodo en route to meet Tony for lunch at the Craft House.  He had been to Skipton to collect his new specs.  As per usual, we spotted folks we know in the cafe, neighbour T and D, old playground acquaintance from when our girls were small.

I have done two stints bashing the balsam (that isn't a euphemism!!) today although you would be hard pressed to see where I've been.  It was very pleasant to be beneath the tree canopy, working next to the stream tumbling down under the track and burbling away.

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