
I was awake really early again and couldn't get back to sleep despite reading a few chapters of my book (great read called Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver if anyone needs a recommendation).  I had tea and biscuits and was going to have an early walk but OH said he would join me.  As it has been dry for ages we had a river walk with no mud!  The village had a phone mast put up a few months ago and it hasn't taken the morons long to deface and grafitti - not sure what is worse?  

Home for an hour in the garden while he visited MIL to repair her gate.  I came in and showered ready for a return shift at 'sad people'.  As I have been 'resting' for over 6 months I needed a refresher session with a trainer.  I am considering my options currently and although I have done the refresher might look for something more 'joyous' to give my time to.  Always a great leveller as there are hundreds of people our there worse off but will wait and see and won't make any rash decisions.

After retiring I have time to volunteer (and was doing Sad People long before retirement) but have to say the other volunteers are a little bit strange?  No cameraderie, not much small talk and no relationship building - just a few hours on the phone and then home again.  Maybe the National trust are looking for volunteers?

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