How we laughed......

Today started with nails and eyebrows.  OH playing in a golf match and I was taking No.1 to (yet) another hospital appointment.  I got home and we had a quick bite for lunch and set off.  M25 was ok but traffic around the hospital was busy (school closing time).  Sat Nav was saying we would be around 10 minutes late and No.1 suggested phoning the hospital to say we would be delayed.  That was where the fun started.  She took several attempts to get through (although our call was important to them) and eventually was put through to the correct department and spoke to a very helpful receptionist and explained our delay (which was less now as the time taken to actually get through to speak to someone).  She sounded confused and said No.1 was not on the list, and asked her for DOB and other information.  She found the explanation for No.1 not being on the list as we were 12 months early!   Her appointment was for 6th June 2024!!!!!!!  We didn't know whether to laugh or cry?  Utter madness and the NHS at it's worst.  How can we spend £133 BILLION on the NHS and it be in this mess?  I could rant but won't.

We made the best of a bad job and decided to go back to No.1's flat and pot up the tomato plants which I had taken over last week.  We called into a little corner hardware store (rather than trying to find a garden centre or Homebase) and we laughed again...........£13 for a bag of compost which costs £6 at my garden centre.  Those tomatoes better taste good.

Throughout all the above No.1 remained remarkably sanguine and composed but we both felt frustrated at such a waste of a day but on the plus side (if there is one) I got to spend a couple of hours with her each way in the car.

OH had prepared dinner and we rounded off the evening with an episode of Queer Eye - which provided a feel good moment.

Photo is of my parsley plants - of which I have about 50!!

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