Breakfast time

It was another frosty morning feeding out, although not as frosty and cold as yesterday morning. While the grass was iced over, the cows had no evidence of it on their body - not like yesterday.

This photo, taken during feeding out this morning, was taken in RAW. I'm not sure if I like it or not - to me, it looks kind of like a painting. What do you think?

In today's exciting news, my blipbook arrived from Scotland this morning, and it looks fantastic. I'm impressed that it didn't take long to arrive (especially since it came from the other side of the world!) - and it is a wonderful record of my life during the past year.

Many thanks to everyone who sent my two cows from yesterday to spotlight. They were over the moon! And to all those blippers who recognised my photo on the TV one weather last night and commented on it - many thanks. It's quite a thrill seeing your photo on national tv!

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