Me and the dug (Day 2952)

The day started at stupid o'clock so my beautiful wife could zoom off to catch the boat south. I got out with Sigyn, and after breakfast, headed to town to do the weekly shop.
Home to unload and get a few things done at home before I zoomed through to the horses. I did the field chores and spent a while persuading George, Jeeps and Robin that they needed to put on their fly masks to stop them getting sunburnt noses.
Home to sort out more stuff then out with Sigyn for a wander above Lyde. We sprawled in the heather a while to enjoy the sunshine and the view.
After lunch I headed across to the horses again and got out a ride on George. He was a bit on his toes today, probably because too many cars passed us too close and too fast.
Along the shore was lovely as usual (extra) and George settled a bit. I got him onto the beach, and had a bit of a canter. He did a bunch of wheelies when I asked him to go in the sea, and it took ages to persuade him to get his feet wet. He then sploshed around for ages and it was really difficult to get him out of the water.
Home later than expected, but in time to slob on the couch and watch the TT on the TV.

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