Daffodils in June
I have Penally1 to thank for alerting me to the existence of 10,000 ceramic daffodils at Lowther Castle. She went in May when I suspect they were at their best. The grass and weeds are growing up between them now making them look quite wild. They are being taken away on 24 June and I managed to persuade the Tuesday walking crowd to come to Lowther today to walk and so that I could nip in and see the the daffs. The castle renovation and history is very much more interesting than I had thought. I assumed it was just a huge "pile" built from the spoils of coal mining. It is that, but the fortunes of coal mining were lost to gambling and drink, the castle became a ruin , after being used by the army in WW11 and subsequently as a pig farm. The ruin is no longer lived in but the gardens are being restored and the ruins made safe . They've invested in a splendid cafe, lots of walks and cycleways. The daffodils will being sold after the exhibition, they are hoping to raise £300,000 for local charities. Ruin pics in extras
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