Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Life with a football field across the road... This is how it looks, and many times with more teams playing, every afternoon/evening during June. Not sure how it'll be after Midsummer though. Perhaps next week will be the last.
Feeling a little bit better and managed to go to the store for some shopping before the midday heat came. We've had almost 30 degrees Celsius today, 27-28 degrees, so I've been inside resting for most of the day. No work tomorrow either, perhaps Friday. It depends on how I'm feeling.
I've continued with my heart shaped journal. Need to stitch the front cover down, and glue the back cover. And figure out a closure, cutting the spine and gluing down the inside papers on the cover. Then I need to fix papers for the signatures and sew them in. But, there's really no rush with this one. 

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