Father's day

Mr R is very hard to buy for. But he has a huge sweet tooth so the wildlings made this for a part of his gift. He did get a new t-shirt and some Rick and morty socks and some beer. He has been in agony still and has been taken painkillers which isn't like him at all so he must be sore. 

Grandad was very happy with his gifts too. He was spoiled . We spent a few hours with them. They also watched the wildlings for a hour so we could go and buy Harp some birthday gifts. I can't believe my baby girl will be 5 on Thursday.  Time has went way too fast. 

It's been a very difficult day at times today on the whole autism side of things. Xander hasn't coped well at all. Poor lad must be exhausted because I know I'm wiped out from it. 

I'm bathing the wildlings two and two and still have to catch up on things from the holiday.  It's back to routine tomorrow with school and nursery.  

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