
Today started with taking my brother to the station for his usual commute up to London. He badly sprained his ankle up in the capital a couple of days ago and initially he thought he heard a crack so he was off work yesterday but the swelling has now gone down a little, the pain has eased somewhat and the bruising has started to appear so he can now put weight on it, albeit a touch gingerly, so he thought he should go back to work. I did tell him to be careful and if it doesn't feel right I would take him to A&E for an x-ray. 
After I got back it was time for a quick run and then some breakfast. It was whilst I was standing at our kitchen window that two fox cubs appeared at the top of our back garden. They spent the next ten minutes chasing, biting and ambushing each other, clattering around the garden at breakneck speed. It was mesmerising!
The rest of the day was a comparative anti-climax after that until I had to collect my brother from the station in the evening. We decided on a change of venue for our Friday night pint and headed back to The Red Bull in Eccles (the home of Rooftop Ronnie - see previous blip 9th June). We'd had Sunday lunch there last week and both the food and the service were top notch. I'd forgotten there was a road closure so we did have to take a bit of a detour to get there but it was worth it. The welcome was great again and we sat out in the recently refurbished garden with our pints enjoying the convivial buzz of people out on a Friday night enjoying themselves. A lovely way to end the week.
I saw this car in its protective shroud (car cover sounds far too mundane!) in the car park on the way out - I just loved the all the creases and the layer of leaves deposited by a nearby tree.
On the way home we followed the detour in reverse with a stop off at Peters Village for supplies (o.k wine!) and then settled in for some food including a piece of a disastrous walnut and espresso cake that I made yesterday - it had resolutely refused to rise and looked more like two pancakes covered in chocolate sauce. It did at least pass the taste test - you just needed to close your eyes when you were eating it! 

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