
One of the last roses left in the garden, as the first flush of Summer roses in bloom is almost over! So my daily therapy is deadheading roses, and remembering as a child when we used to make perfume from the petals!!  Who needs technology!!

another scorcher of a day and an appointment with my homeopath this morning so a nice catch up with her, and then we stopped at a garden centre on the way home that we'd not been to for a while and it was nice to be recognised by so many wondering where we'd been! Maybe it's a bit worrying that we're so recognisable haha!! Bought some houseplant compost and a few little basket plants from the reduced section!

Given up on runner bean plants this year as everytime I plant them they're just being munched on by various garden critters! AT least I can use the planter now for my excess tomato plants!

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