Fathers' Day (actual)

Izzy is in Kyiv, Milly is at a wedding in London, Abi is starting a new job, and the miniMinx is performing in Leicester, but one of the benefits of having so many kids is that still left enough for a lunch party :-)

Dan, Hannah, and I took the tram from St Peter's Square out to East Didsbury, where we met with Charlie so we could all have lunch at Metropolitan, which was very good. Would recommend.

Charlie had work to do, but Hannah, Dan, and I took the tram back into town and had a couple of drinks at Atlas Bar, which was very enjoyable, and while we were there I had a FaceTime with Izzy, who was on great form.

And I finished the day having some drinks with Yoss, who is about to start mastering the album, which I'm excited about. Predictably, a couple of drinks at Joule led to a couple more at the King's Arms before a nightcap at The Old Pint Pot: he is such splendid company.

PS When I realised Hannah's eyes were closed in the photo for today's Blip, I asked her if I should take another, but she wasn't fussed. And I wasn't either, as it reminded me of the fantastic series 'My Name Is Earl', whose lead character always had his eyes closed in photos.

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