So Green

It has been cloudy and muggy today, warmer than I expected. So I decided to go for a walk down the road since I haven't done that in quite a while. The bugs weren't too bad either. The ferns by the side of the road were amazing, with their different shades of green. I felt if I walked in there I would just disappear back in time somewhere.
The extra is a beautiful hummingbird clearwing moth that was sipping from some vetch as I was on the way home. The wings were moving so fast I couldn't really see them but did capture the clear, windowpane part of one of the wings. The caterpillars have horns on the back of them.  Some of these type of moths (Hawk Moths) produce the dreaded tomato hornworm. It's why I try to have some rogue tomato plants where I can put the caterpillars. The adults are so fabulous.

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