Chinese garden at Biddulph Grange

This is one of several gardens within a garden at Biddulph Grange. The house was built and gardens laid out in the 1850’s by a very rich man James Bateman who collected plants for around the world. The big house has been sold and is now private flats but the gardens are much as they were originally laid out with lots of very mature trees. There are also lots of rhododendrons  and azaleas and a dahlia walk which is apparently spectacular in late summer. As well as the Chinese garden there is an Italian garden, a Himalayan Glen, a small Egyptian section and several lovely avenues of trees. 
The Chinese garden was restored last year and featured in an Tv programme about treasures of the National Trust.

Also he was interested in reconciling theology( everything created in 7 days) with geology and all the fossils that he acquired from different ages. A recently reopened and restored gallery shows fossils and rocks through time in chronological and interesting way .

My friend that I was staying with volunteers at the garden so was an excellent guide !

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