Annan Riding of the Marches

Well today was a blast! It started off wet and windy and at times we were sheltering under David's (beautifully clean and shiny) truck. But as soon as the parade moved off, the sun came out, and stayed out for the rest of the day. In front of us were the horses, another samba marching band, several pipe bands and the Queen of the Border with her attendants. One of the attendants was my friend Nicola's son Elliott, who was this year's Champion. He looked so smart in his regalia (including a sword!) and Nicola looked so proud, that I asked if I could blip them. Elliott has had a busy week, with duties to perform. This is the last day, so he can relax tomorrow :-)

A bit about the ROM and its history can be found here for those who are unfamiliar with these old Scots customs. 

The streets of Annan were lined with people - so many! - and they all seemed to be having a good time. I'm sure the pubs and cafes and chippies were doing excellent business.

Extras show Samba Sisters at the end of the parade and then at Drummuir on the way home.

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