Collecting pollen

As rain was forecast I went out early for a quick bike ride and to go to the allotment. I picked the first courgette which we had for lunch and also the first peas. The peas were delicious raw as so sweet. The family came for lunch so I was able to teach the grandchildren how to shell peas…the first time they have done this..and they liked being able to eat them straight away. I remember shelling peas for Sunday lunch for my mother in the summer months! 

At the allotment I noticed some bees on the poppies which had just opened. I watched closely for a few minutes and if you look closely you can see the lump of pollen on one of the bees legs. As the flower had just opened I think they got a good haul very quickly. We always get poppies of different types self seeding which is nice.

No watering needed today but as it is warm things are now growing quickly so I will go again tomorrow to pick more peas.
Not as humid as yesterday.

No brits left in singles at Wimbledon but maybe we may have more success on the doubles? 

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