More peas picked!

After Pilates I had a nice chat with several in the group over coffee. Lots of talk about past holidays as one lady has just returned from a month in S.Africa, Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe! She is originally from S.A so was also seeing relatives. A well travelled bunch, many of them I did not really know until a year or two ago even though they have all lived locally for 20/30 years. Lots of discussion about the crazy prices of lots of flights now.

To the allotment to pick more peas and lots of raspberries. We took some peas for the grandchildren to have as “snacks’ before their tea today. A good discovery that they like them raw.    
I may see if I can buy a few from the market to see if they taste as good…I suspect not as they will probably have been a while in transit and not picked as young. 

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