
By jennym999

Anyone for tennis?

As the grandchildren will be doing some days of tennis lessons in the summer holidays I have bought them the correct size rackets for their age…19” ones. The other one is an adult one which we have had for many years. I was impressed that they started well with some exercises in ball control bouncing the ball on the racket and on the ground. 

No rain today so I went to the allotment. Very depressing as my third lot of runner beans have been attacked, presumably by slugs, despite putting lots of ‘Slugs Away” wool slug pellets round them…I feel like writing to the company and saying they have made false claims about their product as it was not cheap. . However I was interested/ pleased to see that even the keenest plot holders do not have good runners growing this year…I only saw one lot that looked healthy. However our courgettes are doing Ok and soon will have some to pick, plus about half of our murky kale has grown well and is ready to pick.

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