Little cows are easier to swallow!

Returning to my mini-series..... which started here

With cows this small its easy to imagine that an old lady could eat one!

I have also back blipped yesterday, as I didn't have any time. After going to the Derby I came straight back and got changed into my outfit for the Breast Cancer Charity Picnic Ball.
This year the dress code was 'Dress to Impress - choose a music era - or song from the past 50 years'

We decided upon The Eurovision Song 'Making Your Mind Up' by Bucks Fizz.
The girls wore skirts with velcro that ripped off to reveal mini dresses and the guys wore white jeans bright sweat shirts and 'mullet' wigs. Unfortunately no photos were taken after midnight so there is no blippable evidence.
Our picnic was a 1980s dinner party:
Prawn cocktail in a wine glass
Cheese Fondue cooked at the table
Pavlova and Black Forest Gateau
All washed down with Bucks Fizz of course.

We still cannot believe that we didn't win the prize for the best dressed table.
It was won by Punk Rockers and 2nd went to Madness.

We requested the band play our song - but they said it wasn't in their repertoire - Pah!

Here's how to run a charity picnic ball:
1. Use marquees still standing from another event for free. (The Herts Show)

2. Have a fantastic live band give their time for free (The Dark Blues)

3. Call it a 'Picnic Ball' - All guests bring their own food and drink (No overheads for organisers) Yet guests still pay a fortune to attend

4. Have a blooming good raffle - tickets a fiver each. Our table won £100 worth of wine and £100 worth of hanging baskets (with flowers!!!!!)

The evening has raised in excess of £15,000

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