
By ayearinthelife

Peacock Suit

The return of warmer, sunnier weather today meant that there were, once again, butterflies all over the Buddleia. As usual, it was mainly Small Tortoiseshells, but I also spotted this Peacock butterfly feasting on the nectar.
A slightly less frantic day today. We both had haircuts this morning and then treated ourselves to lunch, courtesy of Mrs C winning a few quid on last night’s Lotto. We grabbed a few essentials from M&S, before heading home for a well deserved post-prandial nap. Only possible because, for the first time in almost two weeks, we were not subjected to the sounds of drills, generators, stone saws and assorted other heavy machinery, as the gas works have moved to the end of the road. Refreshed after our nap, we made the most of it still being dry and did a couple of hours out in the garden. Amazing what a difference mowing the lawns and pulling up a few weeds can make!
A small - but significant - anniversary has happened recently. When we moved to Kendal I was 31.5 years old. I am now 63 years old. And a bit. Which means I have lived here more than half my life and I think I am now fully justified in saying I am a Kendalian, rather than a Cestrian when people ask where I’m from. And I’ll be proud to do so.

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