
By ayearinthelife


Continuing yesterday’s theme, I spotted a Cabbage White butterfly flitting around the Buddleia this afternoon. “Flitting” being the operative word, as it only settled for a few seconds at a time, hence the slightly out of focus photo.
I seem to have been busy all day today, without actually having anything tangible to show for it. A decent workout in the gym this morning, and trying to fine tune a couple of new songs in the set this afternoon, were satisfying to do but there are no instant results from lifting weights and I’ll have to wait until tomorrow’s gig to see if I’ve learnt those songs properly!
The gas works seem to be pretty much over bar the shouting, which is something to be grateful for, though the knowledge that they’re going to be digging up the main road into Kendal for a month from next week does take the edge off things. We may now be able to get in and out of our road without any problems, but we won’t be able to go very far before hitting the hell of big holes in the road and temporary traffic lights that will no doubt be totally out of phase with the normal lights.
I sense more tidying of the loft will be a feature of next month…

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