
By ayearinthelife


Well, almost. This is actually Hendstock, a charity festival organised by fellow blipper davidd, which he had invited Stuart and I to perform at. Obviously, it’s a long way to Cambridge from Kendal so it was a very early start this morning.
We “sort of” got lost towards the end of the journey when the A14 didn’t go where my sat nav thought it should (really must do a map update some time) but I ignored all suggestions to do a u turn and eventually we were back on a road that was on my map!
After a quick sound check we headed back up the A1 to check in to our hotel. Due to brain fade on my part, I’d managed to book a hotel that was nearly 50 miles away. Again, I really must learn how to read a map properly! Anyway, after a 90 odd mile round trip, we were back on site and ready to rock.
We had an early evening slot and our set seemed to do down well. We certainly enjoyed playing and could have gone on longer, except there were many more acts queuing up to perform. And the minor issue of the fact that we didn’t have backing tracks for any more songs!
By the time David’s band (The Accelerants) started their set, the sun had set and the place was packed as you can see from the photo. We have been very fortunate with the weather (I’m told it’s pouring down back in Kendal!) and it’s been a most enjoyable day all round.
But we’re both knackered now and will be glad to get back to the hotel. And I suppose the good thing about me booking a hotel in the wrong place, is that the drive home tomorrow will be an hour shorter than the drive down today. Every cloud and all that.

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