
By Croft16

First wild orchid of the year..

I can clearly remember our first trip to Orkney, I can't be certain, but it was around twenty years ago. We drove up to John O Groats, with bikes on the roof bars, parked the car, and took the passenger ferry across to Burwick. Cycling up through South Ronaldsay, heading for the Churchill barriers, this was going to be a holiday of history, culture, scenery, and nature.. Our ten year old son on his own bike, G and myself on ours, and all weighed down with panniers filled with the necessary "can't do without" items that we thought we needed for this 10 day tour of the islands..

Back to the orchids, as we were cycling up the first hill on S Ronaldsay, I spotted the first wild orchid. Throwing my bike to the side of the road, I called the others over to come and have a look. I wasn't an expert on "wild orchids", but could remember reading that they are quite rare, almost to the point of extinction. "Come and have a look at this really rare orchid" I said, and they came, and were in awe of this lovely rare flower. Back on the bikes, and a few yards on, A called out, "look dad, there's another one", and as we cycled on, we saw more and more of these really rare wild flowers, so many we couldn't count them. And ever since, each year when the orchids start flowering, I'm always reminded of that first holiday trip on bikes to Orkney..

This is Dactylorhiza maculata, The Heath Spotted Orchid. In Scotland, this orchid is as common on the hills and road verges, as daisies in your lawns..

..and thought I'd try one of BowBelles effects!!..


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