Bright Side Of The Road

Despite there still being a few holes, several plastic barriers and at least two severed phone lines in our road, today was obviously scheduled to be “clean up” day as a man arrived quite early to jet wash the road and pavements. Then he jumped in his road sweeper and did a circuit of the cul-de-sac, sweeping up all the dirt he’d washed off the pavements.
At least, I’m assuming, that was the intention. All he actually succeeded in doing was spreading the dirt around a bit. The persistent rain over the weekend probably did a better job of washing some of the mud away! Still, I’m sure it means they can put a tick in the “road swept” box on the job sheet for our street and move on to dig up somewhere else.
Mrs C has gone out for the day so I had a lie-in as I knew I wasn’t going through to Barrow. I did get to the gym though, so not an entirely wasted day. And I will be going to Barrow tomorrow as I’ve just had a call from R&T Music to say that my new amp has arrived. Best go and get the old one boxed up ready to be traded in.
A long list of songs to brush up on/practice/learn this morning, as we’re trying to build up a set list more suitable for private functions/weddings, etc. I’m probably ok with 60% of them, but there are several I reckon I’ll struggle with. Hopefully we can get a band rehearsal booked soon so we can sort out any issues.
But at least it hasn’t rained today…

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