Wide Wyoming Sky

The travel yesterday went smoothly for the most part. We had to circle for a while until the weather cleared at the airport but we weren't but 10 minutes late. A friend picked me up in Denver and drove me up to Laramie. There was a spectacular thunderhead to watch and then the most spectacular sunset that spread out so far with oranges and reds. It just went on and on. It was a great welcome home. 
I finally got to my mom's place at about 1 am Maine time which made for about a 19 hour travel day. Ugh!! Today I am very tired still but have had a great time just lounging about reading and talking to Mom. It's so nice not to have any chores that I have to see to. I did wake up with a headache which was partly due to tiredness but also partly due to the altitude. Laramie is approximately 7200 feet above sea level. It takes some acclimation, which irritates me just a bit that I don't retain my chops living at sea level..lol
Today my big effort was walking up to the mailbox out on the road. The sky is full of potential storm clouds and wonderful cumulous clouds. This sky is one of the things I really miss about Wyoming.
The kitty is Theo. He jumped on the gate this morning wanting pets. 

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