A Day of Firsts

Hubby wanted a car jack that would make it easier to rotate his tires. He found a good sale so we headed to buy it. On the way home, we stopped at a new grocery store’s grand opening to take advantage of their sales. Hubby decided to take a few back roads just for fun. I am 72 years old and have heard about “Ye Coole Springs” in our county but had never been to it. “Legends of healing waters in St. Mary's came from the Native Americans and the colonists who believed in the therapeutic properties of the fresh water springs at Charlotte Hall. Many believe Ye Coole Springs was the site of the first hospital in Maryland and the second in the English colonies.” Sadly, it has not been maintained recently; the grass was too high to get close enough to see the spring. I also had never seen a “June bug.” Was surprised when Seek identified this beetle as one. We were close to the “new” Amish/community market in the northern part of our county so hubby took another detour. I found fresh local peaches and homemade coconut bread to take camping. Their flowers were beautiful. We had a lazy rest of the day until I went out to pick tomatoes for Kim. What a job. Hubby had to get on a ladder and use grabbers to pick most of them. I’m thinking sometimes your soil can be too fertile! It didn’t rain as predicted last night so my potted plants were very dry. I was wetter than the soil when I finished watering them. But it is 99.5°F outside. Hubby is helping out at church tonight. They are celebrating the 125th anniversary of our church building. The Knights are providing the reception. I am choosing to stay home. Been out in the heat enough today and have a headache. Hope you had a pleasant day. It is almost the weekend. Make plans for a small adventure. Thanks for dropping by. Stay safe. “Our happiest moments… always seem to come when we stumble upon one thing while in pursuit of something else.”
— Lawrence Block

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