
The sunflowers at the allotment are now flowering nicely but the plants are not that tall yet ( only about 3 ft) so I don’t think we will be winning the tallest sunflower competition this year!

Today I dug some more new potatoes which are really tasty, plus picked runner beans, little green beans and some courgettes. We had a couple of showers so I do not need to water as I was pleasantly surprised when digging the potatoes at how moist the soil is compared to this time of year usually. 

We still have intermittent post and very annoying that it is put in our newspaper box, not through the letterbox, some time around 6pm a few times a week! I thought the post office was meant to deliver post into your house? So now we often don’t discover it until taking the newspapers out in the morning!

An old friend who lives half the year in NZ ( Auckland) is visiting this evening. 

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