Pilot Hill trail view

Ugh I just wrote this and then didn't save it...
I got up to the Pilot Hill area about 10 am. It was hot but it was great to get out and hike. This is a view looking out at the prairie with Laramie nestled in there. In the distance is the Snowy Range.. Yep, no trees just a lot of prairie and wide sky. It's not for everyone but I love it.
The Pilot Hill area is fabulous for hiking and mountain biking. The county did a land swap with the land owners so this whole area could be accessed by the public and protect the water aquifer underneath the land. I blipped about this last year but here is the link to their website which explains better than I can about what kind of area it is.
I then met a high school friend who drove up from Denver. We had lunch then drove out to Centennial, a tiny town in the Snowy Range, where we met more people and listened to live jazz music.
Ahh, another awesome day.

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