
We were up several times before dawn with Millie. Her tummy was upset. At least we had everything needed to clean the rugs. I hobbled out of bed at 8:30. We made hearty ham, cheese and tomato sandwiches before our hike. Several of my fungi finds had been nibbled on. But there were other wonders out among the pines and oaks. Not sure what creature made the volcanic structure near the creek. I really like the old tree root. A few of these were “new observations” according to Seek. We showered, made a quick lunch and hoped to take a little nap. But my children/grands were also having adventures and they wanted to share them with me. I am so blessed that they do. Half of the band is sick so our concert is cancelled. That works for us. We are going to Mass tonight and then to dinner with one the guys hubby goes to his annual musical festival with. I will try to share a photo of St. Gabriel’s Church in the extra. We really enjoy the parishioners and the Deacon gave a very meaningful homily. We will be able to hike more tomorrow before it gets too warm. So, another wonderful day for this crew. Hope your weekend is turning out to be marvelous. Stay safe. Thanks for your visit, hearts, stars and sweet comments. "Between every two pines there is a doorway to a new world." -JOHN MUIR

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