
Phew - a big day! Off to Bandon for the talk but first delivering books en route. I just had time for half a sandwich and a slurp of coffee before heading to Bandon Library - a very modern light and airy place where I was warmly welcomed by Catriona. Normally Himself sorts out my tech but Catriona was the woman for the job and soon had me plugged into a massive interactive screen in a very spacious room. People started arriving and I reckon we had about 50 plus a councillor in his chains who made a very good speech to start with but I was green with envy for he had been to a local well when he was a small boy and seen the blessed eel! Actually a very enjoyable hour and a bit with a lovely responsive audience who all had well tales to tell and a few books were shifted too.
The books are flying - we are actually going to have a reprint already!
Now I am wrecked and have a large glass of pinot and another Detectorists to watch. Himself's pink line is getting fainter. 

I parked in the Catholic church carpark in Bandon which has about a million steps up to it. The steps were flanked by two angels, each holding faded hydrangeas. I rather liked them,

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