Sunshine on Leith

I had a few errands to run in town today, so I popped down to Leith to see if I could bag a sunny blip. Hit 'L' to view LARGE.

23 degrees today. Beautiful blue sky and promised to last the whole weekend at least. The smell of BBQ in air, and the smell of suncream on the kids.

Love it.

My sunny day became a bit gloomy when No 2 came home from school. She left in a bad mood this morning and came home in one too. We tried to ignore her but she would pick a fight with a paper bag when she is in a mood. I ended up shouting back. That depressed me - and it's not fair on the rest.

She's been sent to her room without her laptop, phone or ipod. I'm expecting her to appear about 11.00 pm - tearful and apologetic (that's what usually happens).

I just haven't got the energy to put up with this every few weeks.

On a positive note - my costume arrived for tomorrow night's party. I have a feeling it's going to be an unforgetable night, but I won't be able to blip it until Saturday.

You won't want to miss that blip!!! Stand by!

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