Gyoza dreaming...

I met up with my friend, Hannah, tonight after work. It's been such a lovely evening. We went and had an ice cream in Princes Street Gardens to take advantage of the afternoon sunshine. Then we went out for dinner. I know what you're thinking - we had our dessert first! But in Scotland you have to take advantage of the sun when you get it! And nothing goes better with sun than ice cream.

We went to Wagamana for dinner. I love it there. I know it's a massive chain, but it's one of the few chains that I always enjoy. Gyoza is my favourite dish - little heavenly Japanese dumplings. This is Hannah about to tuck into our shared plate of chicken gyoza. I'd been thinking about these all day and they were amazing! I then had my usual Yaki Udon, a ginger beer and a couple of cups of green tea.

Lovely food and great company, an all round brilliant evening!

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