Dog Treats

The title to todays blip is that of an album by The Winery Dogs, who I am going to see in six weeks time. I also thought it best to get the subject matter properly described early on in this post, lest more sensitive readers should think I have been on some sort of weird hunting expedition, collecting trophies as I went along.
No, these gruesome looking objects were bought by Mrs C from the pet stall in Kendal Market. Apparently cows ears, lambs horn, pigs trotters and what can only be described as the skin off a rabbits head, are all great delicacies to our canine friends.
I don’t have an issue with that, save for the teensy - but very significant - point that we do not have a dog. In fact, we haven’t had a dog for nearly seven years.
It would appear that, just like yesterdays bubble gun, these items were purchased to be used as photographic props. Which thankfully explains the rabbit ears sticking out of a saucepan I saw earlier. Not the Fatal Attraction type warning I feared it might be but merely an homage to the ending of that film. But I will probably use a different saucepan to cook tonight’s tea, no matter how many protestations that the pan in question has been thoroughly cleaned since.
The thing is, I wasn’t really shocked to see either the bits of dead animals in the garage or the purported boiling of a bunny on the stove. It seems that after 44 years together I have learnt to accept that weird (Mrs C prefers the term “artistic”) is the new normal…

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