
By ayearinthelife


Spotted this lovely little Austin-Healey “Frogeye” Sprite this morning when nearing the end of a run. To be honest, I was glad to stop for a bit at that point, as it was my first run in nearly two months, after damaging my knee at the end of June.
I walked down to the gym, as a bit of a warm up, and then did a full session on the weights to get everything loosened up. Then it was a case of strapping up the knee and setting off on the run. No particular plan as to which way to go, just a case of seeing how far I could get before the knee started protesting.
Almost gave up after the first 200 yards, as it started raining quite heavily. But it stopped as quickly as it started, so I pressed on. Managed 3K before the knee started aching, so called it a day at that point.
The knee is still twingeing a bit now, so I’ll leave it for a few days before trying again.

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