For Abi

For most of 2020, after lockdown had begun, Dan and I ate mostly vegetarian, which meant our diet was in line with Abi's and I would usually only have to cook one evening meal, although sometimes with a variant for spiciness.

Once Dan and I started eating more meat, I would often find myself cooking two meals of an evening, which was, as you can imagine, a pain in the butt.

As Abi was going across to the Lakes to swim with her friends this afternoon, I thought I'd just be cooking chilli for me and Dan, but Abi made a reasonable case - i.e. that she'd be hungry when she arrived home - resulting in me cooking mac 'n' cheese as well as the chilli.

Later on, I drove Dan down to his friend Joe's in Bentham. The sun was low in the sky and the light was beautiful, so I stopped at Wennington hoping to catch the light reflecting off the tracks. Slightly disappointing result, as you can see in my Extra.

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