Six Years

I have wet form Age Related Macular Degeneration in my right eye. This AMD causes blood vessels to grow under the macula, leading to blood and fluid leakage into the retina.
For six years I have received treatment, initially at Treliske Macular Clinic and latterly at Helston.
I am very fortunate that my left eye, other than needing glasses, remains completely unaffected, (touches wood), so the deterioration of my right eye central vision does not have the same impact as those who have both eyes affected.
Treatment consists of Anti VEGF medication injected into the eye at a periodicity determined by the consultant after examination, I’m currently on 8 to 10 weeks. An injection directly into the eyeball, sounds painful but isn’t in the slightest, a bit of sensitivity to light with a feeling of “something in the eye” for an hour or two afterwards but nothing that sun glasses and patience won’t cure.

So that’s how I spent my morning which included coffee and toast on the way home at the Cornish Barista looking out over the zip wires at Halvasso Quarry.

Another builder visit in the evening for another quote for some work - Utility Room this time.

Todays photo, a pretty murky looking Falmouth Harbour in the mist.

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