September 9

One of several hundred sandpipers at The Guzzle this morning.
Normally I have my SX50 with me too, but I forgot it this morning, so only had my T6i with the 70 - 300 mm lens. The SX50 has a better zoom on it for shooting the shore birds. I ventured down to the beach where some people were fishing and was able to get some decent shots from there..
I stopped at 3 garden centers and came home with a truckload of plants. Over half of them will get planted on Monday, so I will drop them off at the client's house tomorrow morning.
Another hot and humid day. In the valley this afternoon it was 30 C and I'm not sure what the humidex reading was, likely in the high 30's. The heat warning has ended so hopefully tomorrow will be more bearable. Then showers in the forecast for the next week.

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