"Failure is not an option?"
"Yeah, it was a line used in the Hollywood movie, though it was never really said...not in those exact words anyway. It came out of the script writers interviewing the mission control staff for Apollo 13"

I never begin an encounter with a question, but in this case I saw the quote on Ken's polo-shirt and I couldn't figure out where I'd seen or heard it so, quite impromptly, I asked him as I walked past.

Ken has a rather unique job - he basically chaperones astronauts in the UK. He told me that they usually visit schools and give talks etc. and his job is to bring them here and he organises their tours. The best thing about it is that all the events are for non-profit and anyone can attend and join in!

He was excited to tell me that he had secured Alan Bean (fourth man on the Moon) later this year and was trying to get a rather special booking (ahem, Chris Hadfield) for next year.

I'm a huge fan of Chris Hadfield, his space photography anyway, I could take or leave the music ;)

We exchanged contact details and said I would contact him to find out more, which I intend to do also to send him his portrait.

Technically, this is not a good portrait. The sun is causing shadows across the subject and the composition is a little off. However, I hope the encounter makes up for the failings of the picture.

Humans of Leeds

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