
By MumOf4Wildlings

Dodgy pancakes

If football isn't on on a Saturday I normally start the morning off making pancakes for the wildlings.  Of course they don't just want round ones made . Hehe. They're not perfect but it's the best I could do with a sandwich bag as I had run out of piping bags. 

We did our food shopping today before the school bbq.  Thankfully the rain stopped in time and we went along for a few hour's. I won a couple of bottles on the tombola so that was good. The wildlings spent money on home baking and the kids tombola.  Xander won a pencil case. 

Mr R is away out for dinner with his friends and then they're heading to the hockey. I like when he goes out as I can go to bed early . 
So I've put the little mermaid on for them to watch and I will make them some snacks. 

I'm going to have to make a doctor appointment at some point this week. I've had screws in my big toe for nearly 30 years. This week it's been sore and today it's nearly double the size. Not sure how long metal works lasts for in the body . But I'll give it until Friday 

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