The fair

Well we were all pleased to get back to some routine this morning.  I was glad the wildlings were going back to school and me work. And the jedi couldn't wait to go and see Mrs Potts.  

We had our cafe visit today. While we were there last week there was a gentleman there who showed such amazing kindness.  I saw he was handing money over to the young lad Josh and thought it was for the cafe. As its a community cafe in a deprived neighbourhood and you can pay meals forward.  That's what I do most Fridays.  But it turned out that he donated £250  towards the students and the staff at my work and set a tab up for us. What a kind man and I hope that the universe pays him back in bucket loads. There are some genuinely amazing and kind people in this world. 

The wildlings are getting excited for tomorrow.  Its my mums birthday so we are collecting my niece and nephew and we're all going up to Edinburgh to spend the day with her and take her for lunch. We will then go and visit my sister that we saw the last time. I actually have 3 sisters that live in Edinburgh. I also have a half sister that lives in Fife.  We keep in contact through Facebook but I've never actually met her . I met my half brother a few times when I was younger but he now lives in Ireland.  

So blip will take a back seat tomorrow as we will be having family day. 

And my photo is of the fair that set ups down the whitesands. We always avoid driving past it when it's here so the wildlings don't ask to go. Hehe 

Have a lovely weekend 

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