
By Mikey88


Another blip from the garden. I've had to work for a living today. I did a day's supply with my wife's class of Year fives and sixes while she worked on planning next year. We worked on function machines in Maths, proverbs in Literacy and a range of craft activities in the afternoon. A most enjoyable day. Nice set of children to work with - and I'm beginning to learn their names!

However, after a over a year out, I'm finding that I really value not being tied to particular times and am finding it a bit of a pain having a whole day which I can't organise the way I want to. It's a nice feeling that I have tomorrow mostly free. I just have to take my mother-in-law to the hospital for the second part of her AMD treatement during the afternoon.

So I didn't get out to do any photography today. As a result, I took pictures of some flowers I had noticed yesterday. I really like the background - which is made up of the leaves of the plant on which the flowers are growing. I thought they were just beautifully coloured foliage, but they have produced these beautiful, delicate little flowers.

It rained quite heavily this morning and we walked to school through a drizzle. It stopped and stayed cloudy for the rest of the day, but it's now raining again (almost eleven o'clock). I had hoped to go out early tomorrow morning, but the forecast is rain, so I'll see what it does during the morning.

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