
Some of you may well remember my old love affair with Coke Zero. Well since cutting it out during marathon training this year, I just haven't been able to rekindle the love.

Today though I was quite tired so I bought one. I did enjoy it, but I think I'm free of the addiction now. I searched through to try and find a 'Susan' bottle. But I didn't think I'd find one - especially as its not on the list on the website. I settled for my middle name instead!

I spent today at the NHSScotland conference again, and had lunch with my friend, Tim. It was lovely to see him again. Tonight was running club, where we did a hill pyramid session. I actually really enjoyed it, and that's most unlike me with hills! A nice run to and from the club too :)

Today's run: 5 miles
June running mileage: 29 miles
2013 running mileage: 489 miles

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