NHSScotland Event 2013

How ironic that now I've left the NHS, I finally get to attend the NHSScotland event! As part of my new job, we were delivering a session at the event about achieving the 20:20 vision in collaboration with the third sector. It was all about promoting collaboration and engagement between the NHS and voluntary organisations.

I actually had a really lovely day. I bumped into my friend and ex-boss Nanisa at the train station and we went together. There were so many of my old colleagues there today and I really enjoyed catching up with them all. I knew that I'd missed them, but I didn't realise how much. I'm back again tomorrow and I've heard that there'll be more of the gang through then! Yay!

I didn't want to go for the usual old boring conference shot, and so when I spied these little guys, I thought they fit the bill. Everyone likes these bugs. I loved them when I was younger. These ones also came with a good message:

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Wesley has now claimed my bug as a toy. Must remember to pick up another couple tomorrow!

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