By greengirl

burning bush

I had a lovely walk around the Crichton Gardens today - the trees there are so beautiful, especially at this time of year. I always loved cycling or walking through them to reach the college when I was studying there. 

From the Crichton, I walked through Castledykes Park, and into the Sunken Garden. This used to be the town's sandstone quarry, and then became a formal public garden, famous for events such as flower festivals (30,000 tulips at one time). Now it is being developed as an outdoor classroom, with an emphasis on wildlife, geology and history. There are murals depicting Scottish history and a statue of Robert the Bruce (who captured the castle).

Above and behind the garden I discovered a small Covid Memorial Garden, created in 2021, with benches, trees and flowerbeds. A plaque reads: "This is a quiet place to reflect on what we have lost, what we have learned and what we now realise is important in our lives." It's a pity that the garden is so hidden away and that you have to climb 40 steps to reach it.

I completed my walk by following the Nith along to Kingholm Quay and then back up to the Crichton.

Joe came home with me and we are about to have tea - Aubergine Fesenjan and Apple Crumble :-)

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