Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

I've got a pug!

Today we walked back to our friend, Kay's house, because Kay needed help clearing out a room so that she could lay a carpet and move a bed in. Mmmmmmm.................. Kay is a bit of a hoarder! (It's OK; Ann isn't going to say anything on Blip, that she hasn't said to Kay's face. Lol!). Kay doesn't know the meaning of the phrase, 'if in doubt, throw it out'. Or; 'If you've not used something for two years, then you don't need it'!!! Kay has lived in the same house for 56 years so you can imagine how much rubbish many sentimental items she has.

Kay has got a very nice enclosed garden, so they left the kitchen door open and I was allowed to wander in and out as I pleased. Also, Kay has got a Christmas tree up already apparently it's a November tree and underneath it, is a whole load of stuffed toys. I found a 'pug'. I took him out into the garden and played at running around with him. I was so happy & bouncy playing with the pug, that Kay said I could keep him and take him home. Yay! Unfortunately, Ann said that she wasn't going to walk 4 miles home carrying a pug. We didn't walk 4 miles home - we only walked about 2.5 miles before a bus came. Lol!  Booohoooo! She said I had to leave Mr Pug at Kay's house so that I had something to play with the next time I go.

Ann helped Kay clear out all the rubbish essential items from the room. They didn't actually get rid of one single thing. They just moved everything to elsewhere in the house. A year ago Kay had a big clear out and filled two skips, so how she's still got sooooooo much in the house is a mystery? Anyway, the humans cleared the room and then they put some carpet down and then went to the 'Scottish Engineers' for lunch.

We were going to get a bus home, but 'Lothian Region Buses' don't seem to be sticking to their timetables at the moment. Walked for 50 mins until a bus came....................

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