
By ayearinthelife

Remembrance Day

We went into town to observe the two minutes silence at the war memorial and watch the subsequent parade. Fortunately, it remained dry throughout, with the rain only starting after the parade had dispersed and we were safely ensconced in Caffè Nero enjoying a latte and slice of tiramisu.
By complete contrast, this afternoon was the usual mayhem and silliness of Panto rehearsal. Due to ongoing problems with the central heating, we were in the small room, rather than the hall and stage, though we did venture in there to try on costumes and have some publicity photos taken. And, by God, it was freezing in the hall. Luckily, as my costume is quite voluminous, I was able to put it on over what I was already wearing and thus avoid frostbite!
Our Remembrance Day parade might not have the numbers, pomp and ceremony of that in London, but it was good to see that quite a crowd - of all ages - had turned out to witness it.
Long may that continue.

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