Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Could get used to these chilly blue skied windless days. We had another one today. But sadly, I think it's the last for a while - yet another named storm is coming our way! I think the weather has got worse since they started naming storms...

I watched the Remembrance Day ceremony. Chrissy, JR's gym buddy, came back for a coffee. Then we took a walk out, and ended up going round the Meadows, where we met Boris, a schnauzer that Archie used to hate, but is now best friends with, mainly because Boris's mum always has a big bag of treats, and Archie knows it. 

We wanted to check out a new cafe. Well, not new, but it has been taken over by a couple of lads from a local cafe - they made wonderful bao buns. It was very busy (lunchtime) but we discovered that it's dog friendly, so we'll go during the week some time.

I was quite puggled by the time I got home (5,828 steps) so I spent the rest of the afternoon relaxing (ie snoozing), while JR popped into town and had a coffee and scone at JL. Watched the Earthshot prizes, where people have marvellous ideas to save the planet, starting in a small way. The three winning projects each year get £1 million to help expand their projects. It's a splendid project William is championing.

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