In Thanksgiving

We saw a bit of sunshine on this chilly Thanksgiving day. Hubby wrote his Christmas cards. I wrapped more gifts. My sister washed laundry. Parker and our BIL spent time outside cleaning up some debris. After baking the crab cakes that were part of our donations to Thanksgiving dinner, we dressed and headed to town. I may have told you before, but our host is so dedicated to doing good for others locally and nationwide, the town named a street for him, Hoagy’s Blvd. Our dinner was amazing as always. We really enjoy spending time with these genuine friends. Hoagy “adopted” Parker immediately. Before the day was over, those two were smoking a beef tongue and passing out samples. I made myself scarce but the brave ones said it was delicious. Parker went out on a limb and sampled pickled tongue but the face he made said it all. We ended the visit with pumpkin or apple pie. Meanwhile, Sky picked up our mother this morning. Kristen’s family took her to breakfast and entertained her until she went to Kim’s. She played board games with the young ones while the adults prepared dinner. Mancil and the girls took her home. From the photos I received (two in extras), she had a wonderful day. We are so very thankful for our children and grands. I’d say this was one of our finest Thanksgiving days. Our blessings are overwhelming. Jamie and Renee will join us tomorrow. Wishing you a peaceful long weekend. Thanks for dropping by. “Thanksgiving Day comes, by statute, once a year; to the honest man it comes as frequently as the heart of gratitude will allow.” ~ Edward Sandford Martin

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