
By ayearinthelife

Wonderful Life

Went to see a show at Staveley Roundhouse tonight, whilst Mrs C was out at her camera club Xmas meal. The premise was that we were watching a live radio broadcast of the story made famous in the 1946 Frank Capra film starring James Stewart. Apart from the chap playing George, everybody else had to - literally - wear different hats as they played all the other parts. In addition there was someone doing the live sound effects - footsteps, doors opening and closing, etc, etc.
Very enjoyable it was too and very well presented. I must confess that though I know what the film is all about, I have never seen it from beginning to end - only bits of it. Now I’ve seen this play I’m minded to actually sit down and watch it from start to finish. Pretty certain it’ll be on one channel or another over the next couple of weeks!
This morning we went to the gym to start working off the excesses of the last few days in London, and this afternoon was all about starting to put up the Christmas decorations. Mrs C has the tree up and festooned it with 860 lights. I did the outside lights and had 960 lights so won that battle! Tomorrow will be tinsel, baubles and Xmas ornaments day, so the house will be fully transformed by the time the weekend is over. You never know, I might even start feeling a bit Christmassy!

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