
A busy day for No 3. She woke up at 4.30 am and set her alarm for 7.00. Today was her first school trip to a private beach for beach games, crabbing and sandcastle building. They came home tired, very happy and carrying buckets of shells.

After dinner - she still had energy to burn and we headed to the park for a pre-bath play. A tired and happy girl tonight.

Meanwhile, No 1 is preparing for her silver Duke of Edinburgh trip this weekend. She picked up her equipment tonight and we headed to the supermarket to find food. It was a tall order ! Non-perishable, lightweight, high energy, easy cook food. I suggested porridge, she picked chocolate !

I hope they don't go hungry ! Last year's trip was a washout and that was only for one night. This weekend is two nights.

We are praying for sunshine !!!

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