
By H22

Place: Largo, FL 54/72
Main activity: Mon - New Year's Day
Notes: Slept pretty well, didn't get up till after 7a. Debated going for a jog, changed my mind a couple times and then just dressed and went - was feeling like a good way to start 2024. Chilly morning w/ a fine mist (pic was first thing but the mist doesn't show up well) or fog in the air, warmed up quickly while running. Rest of the day was out-of-it feeling, bizarre nothingness (and no connection to Joe or any of his ugliness yesterday - like he never existed ... that part is nice!). Made a small steak w/ shaved balsamic brussels sprouts and a salad on the side - was good. Not sure how the day passed. Could easily be convinced that I was floating on another planet while in a semi-coma of being able to observe but have no thoughts or memory. Another day ... certainly didn't feel like any holiday, only a long weekend, maybe too long.

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